I will be making several phone calls this evening. I'll make a few calls to St. George, a call to Draper, and another call to Denver. Tonight I will take a few minutes to talk to some of my heroes.
My family has a great heritage of military service. Both of my grandfathers fought in World War II, one in the Pacific, and one in Europe. My wife's grandfather also fought the fascists in Europe. My father is a career military man. He served with honor and distinction in the U.S. Air Force for about 26 years, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. Usually, upon leaving for work in the morning, he would tell us that he was going to go "kill some commies." He fought valiantly every day against the evil empire, and I must admit that I give him most of the credit for its collapse. He also spent one year in Vietnam, flying choppers and taking names.
In quiet hours, usually late at night, you can get these warriors to let their guard down and tell a few stories. I'm sure there are many stories that I will never hear, and I am sure that there are none that I truly understand. But, I do know that they are my heroes, they and the hundreds of thousands of others that were willing to give the last full measure, together with those that did. I honor my father, my grandfathers, and all that have served for liberty.
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