Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cliches of Socialism

You've heard it before, "the more complex the society, the more government control we need." Many years ago, Leonard E. Read published a one page rebuttle to this often heard socialist cliche.

I recommend that you read it, and begin to train your mind in the ways of liberty and freedom. We hear so many socialist influences throughout any given day, we must combat those ideas with study and practice. Lies and deception are easy to overcome. However, if you hear too much of it, you may become numb to their influences. You must be vigilant in constantly studying liberty, and being prepared to rebut the foolishness we hear all around us.

In this short, one page article, Mr. Read quickly explains away a common, and widley accepted falacy. Read the article, and then find some unsuspecting socialist who's day you might ruin with such simple truth.

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