Thursday, August 27, 2009


Fear-mongering has become a very popular tactic in modern political discourse.  You don't have to listen very long before you hear one party being accused of having a secret agenda to enslave the other.  Or, you hear that a rich class is using all of its power and influence to keep another group poor and helpless.  They're taking away your rights!  They're taking away your property!  Vote for me, vote for me.

In the Science of Being Great, Wallace D. Wattles said that "you can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God."

Now, more that ever, the world needs great men and women.  Now is the time to rise up above the din, and above the dust.  Now is the time to be great, and, in a great way, to show others the path to greatness.


LRC said...

I'm liking your blog more and more. Your ideas are clearly stated and thought provoking.

Len said...

Thanks Dad. I thought that starting up the blog again would force me to think of topics and get them written down quickly. Good practice for ramping up my writing. Thanks for the encouragement.