Friday, August 28, 2009


I have a great respect for warriors, probably because they make up a great deal of my family history. My father was a warrior in the Air Force for twenty-six years, and he still is a great warrior. My older brother was also in the Air Force. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII. Many of my great-grandfathers were in involved in WWI. I remember, as a young man, my mother told me that I would likely be involved in some great conflict, just like my fathers before me.

So far, I have not had to go to war. Of course, I fight traffic, and ignorance, my waist-line and personal battles with the natural man inside me. But, I've never been called upon to shed blood in defense of family, liberty or country. Most of my generation has also avoided such conflict. We send a few brave men and women out to fight on our behalf, but the great many of us stay at home and learn of the war's progress through edited television blurbs.

What if war does come? Will we be caught unprepared because of so many years of ease and perceived peace? Or, would we rise with courage and strength as a united people to meet the challenge, like those great generations before us?

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Hi Len,
You are a very gifted writer! I just read all your posts and they are excellent. Maybe you could write a weekly column for one of the local papers!
At the very least, you have motivated me to start writing on my blog again. Soon, I promise, but don't hold your breath!