Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Here's the thing, if I could count, I would not have gone to law school. No, seriously, I'm pretty good at basic math, but my quest to understand economics sometimes hurts my brain. I have published a few posts about inflation, in an attempt to help me understand it better.

Honestly, I think that I'm making it too hard. On the FEE website this morning they published "A Letter to a Ten-Year-Old." I guess that a ten-year-old wrote a letter to the Foundation for Economic Education asking what inflation was. This response was drafted by Beth Hoffman in 1981. This was a great article, very short, and the most important thing I learned from the article was that my understanding of economics is approximately at a ten-year-old level.

In the letter, Ms. Hoffman refers to another article, "Inflation In One Page", written by Henry Hazlitt. Again, a simple one page explanation. This is economics that even I can understand.

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